5th Grade

Sketch 1: Name Design

TUTORIAL - 5th Grade Name Design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoKlQb0NXsQ 

  • Watch the tutorial and create your own bubble letter name. 

  • Include images of things you like around your bubble letter name.

  • Sketch should be fully colored.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings

Sketch 2: Color Value/Shading

TUTORIAL - Still-Life Value Lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtRDb2Hb_gs 

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn to draw a simple still life.

  • FILL THE PAGE - The artist draws her still life too small on the page. I want to see you draw your objects bigger.

  • When adding color, shade neatly and use different colors than the video.

Sketch 3: Product Design

TUTORIAL - Soda Can Design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wfl7yAj2q0  

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw a soda can.

  • Add your own design to the soda can.

  • Keep in mind shading techniques. Are there shiny areas on your soda can that you could leave white? Create a shadow!

  • FILL THE PAGE - No tiny soda cans!

  • Sketch should be fully colored.

Sketch 4: Imagination

Contour Line Art

CONTOUR LINES: the outline of a form, as well as interior, without shading. (Like a coloring page!)

  • Find and cut out an animal out of a magazine.

  • Create a background using contour lines.

  • This sketch does not need to be colored.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!

Sketch 5: Perspective

TUTORIAL - Perspective Art Gallery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewVsuXMrsnE

  • Follow along with the tutorial to make an art gallery in perspective.


  • Make it yours! Make your own “paintings” on display or maybe cut images from a magazine to incorporate into your room!

  • Work should be fully colored, but doesn’t have to be the same colors as the image on the tutorial.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!

Sketch 6: Texture

TUTORIAL - Texture Fruit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZywBL4WZUQ 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to practice using texture in your artwork.

  • REPLACE one of the fruits with one of your own!

  • Work should be fully colored using colored pencil. You can use different colors than the artist.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!

Sketch 7: Christmas

  • For this sketchbook assignment all classes will be doing a religious sketch for possible acceptance in the Christmas bulletin for church.

  • You will be drawing YOUR OWN ORIGINAL religious sketch. Remember, copying is not allowed. If caught, it will be reported to your parents.

  • You are welcome to look at Christmas cards for inspiration or watch a YouTube Tutorial.

  • Color will not print, but color would give your work different tones of gray (which is cool too).

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!


Sketch 8: Landscape/Value

TUTORIAL - How to Draw a Penguin on Ice scenery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8G1ObsX24w

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn how to draw a Penguin on Ice and create value in our drawings.

  • Add your own artistic flare to it! Add more things to the scene, like a polar bear or igloo!

  • Get creative! You are welcome to add unexpected details to your arctic scene. You want an alien invasion? You go for it! 

  • Use VALUE: the lightness and darkness of a color.

  • I advise you to use a pencil first!

  • Use a Sharpie or black marker to outline, but that must be done BEFORE adding coloring.

  • Use colored pencil or crayon to complete this sketch (NO markers).


Sketch 9: Shading

TUTORIAL - How To Draw A Tree Frog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vm9N1c_eIg 

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn how to draw a tree frog!

  • Create a background behind the frog. Is it in a pond? In a tree? In space?! MAYBE SURFING?!

  • Use colored pencils to color the entire sketch. You do not have to use the same colors as the artist uses in the tutorial.

  • Make sure to include the gradual value changes as you color the frog.

Sketch 10: Emphasis

EMPHASIS is used to attract a viewer's attention to the focal. point, or main subject, of an artwork.

TUTORIAL - Crystal Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxeZG39BNyc

  • Follow along with the tutorial.
  • Use a ruler when drawing the crystal.
  • To create emphasis, only the crystal will be colored. Feel free to use a different color!
  • Fill the background with doodles that show your personal interests (Food, sports, hobbies, animals..). You can also include swirls shapes and other patterns.
  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!

Sketch 11: Pop Art

Pop Art is a style of art based on simple, bold images of everyday items, such as soup cans, painted in bright colors. Pop artists created pictures of consumer product labels and packaging, photos of celebrities, comic strips, and animals.

TUTORIAL - Pop Art Donuts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Q0Y_yc750 

  • Follow along with the tutorial and draw the donuts just like the tutorial.


  • Use a ruler to divide your sketchbook paper into 4 sections.

  • You are drawing a total of 4 DONUTS!

  • Make it yours! Use DIFFERENT colors and patterns than the ones in the tutorial.

  • This sketch should be fully colored with your choice of materials. 

Sketch 12: Easter

  • For this sketchbook assignment all classes will be doing a religious sketch for possible acceptance in the Easter bulletin for church.

  • You will be drawing YOUR OWN ORIGINAL religious sketch. Remember, copying is not allowed. If caught, it will be reported to your parents.

  • You are welcome to look at the Easter cards for inspiration or watch a tutorial on YouTube.

  • Color will not print, but color would give your work different tones of gray (which is cool too).


Sketch 13: Architecture

TUTORIAL - How To Draw the Alamo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksLWsksDU2I 

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn how to draw the Alamo.

  • Make it yours! Put people or animals looking at the alamo. What about birds?

  • The artist didn’t do the best job coloring. You should not have white showing through your paper.

  • Work should be fully colored, using either crayon or colored pencil.

Sketch 14: Vehicle

TUTORIAL - How To Draw A Classic Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bOzTI6z2yI 

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn how to draw a Classic Car.

  • Customize the car with your own designs and details!

  • FILL THE PAGE! - Is the car on the road? Is it at a car show? Are there animals driving?

  • Work should be fully colored! NO MARKERS!

Sketch 15: Lines

TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLbgWUbgmtA 

  • Follow along with the tutorial on how to create Op Art (Optical Art)

  • You choose what color of markers to use.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!

Sketch 16: Point of View 

(5th Grade) How to Draw an Alien's Point of View Perspective Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHqjHsimTUI  

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw from an alien's point of view.

  • PENCIL FIRST, then outline in Sharpie or black marker.

    • Remember to erase your left over pencil lines!

  • Work should be fully colored with colored pencil, but doesn’t have to be the same colors as the image on the tutorial.

  • Make it unique! What creative things can you add to the drawing? Maybe you want to have an astronaut cat floating around, maybe a fish drifting around in a bubble….


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