7th Grade

 Sketch 1: Name

TUTORIAL - Bubble Graffiti Names:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4kc7nIMqno 

  • Watch the tutorial and create your own graffiti, bubble letter name.

  • Create a brick background behind your name remembering to include texture.

  • Work should be FULLY colored.

Sketch 2: Shapes & Form

TUTORIAL - How to Draw ANYTHING Using Simple Shapes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6F5q_5HC3o 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw using simple shapes.

  • Draw LIGHT until you get it right!

  • You will be doing 2 of the examples shown in the video. Choose a 1 and a 2 from below and try drawing them following the tutorial.

  • DO NOT ERASE YOUR SHAPE MARKS! I want to see how you broke it down.

         1                        1                 2          2

Sketch 3: Product Design

TUTORIAL - Shoe Design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXTXhnPBEVw 

  • Follow along with the tutorial (Stop @ 6:03) to learn how to draw a shoe.

  • For this sketch, you are not required to create a background behind your shoe.

  • Add your own design to the shoe (Remember to FILL THE PAGE).

  • Work should be fully colored.

Sketch 4: Imagination  

Animals in Space

  • For this sketchbook assignment, you will draw an animal in space, yes outer space. The animal is your choice, you may draw it as realistically/cartoony as you would like. 

  • FILL THE PAGE - Include a space background.

  • Remember space is not solid black nor is it completely empty. Think about all the different things you could include to fill the page and create a unique artwork.

Sketch 5: Perspective

TUTORIAL - Room Perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL9mldeNdBc 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to make a room in perspective. 

  • Add your own details to the room such as a pet, a lamp, TV.

  • You are allowed to replace objects. Try creating a different style ceiling light! Don’t want a window? Make a fireplace!


  • Color is not required for this sketch, but is encouraged.

Sketch 6: Texture/Transformation

TUTORIAL - Texture Hand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhLZlcoqqcA  

  • Follow along with the tutorial and learn how to draw different types of textures.

  • PICK ONE finger and give it a DIFFERENT texture than the tutorial.

  • LABEL each texture you make above each finger.

  • Color is not required, but you are welcome to add color.

  • FILL THE PAGE! - Included a background! 

Sketch 7: Christmas

  • For this sketchbook assignment all classes will be doing a religious sketch for possible acceptance in the Christmas bulletin for church.

  • You will be drawing YOUR OWN ORIGINAL religious sketch.

  • You are welcome to look at the Christmas cards for inspiration or watch a YouTube tutorial.

  • IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT! Incorporate the 5 of the 7 elements of art into your drawing.

  • Refresher:

    • Texture - Texture is the way the surface quality feels, or looks like it feels, if touched. Textures can be rough or smooth, soft or hard. 

    • Value - Value deals with the lightness or darkness of a color. In order to make an object look real, you use value whether it be in color or shading with pencil.

    • Form - Forms are three-dimensional shapes expressing length, width, and depth. Some examples are spheres, cylinders, cubes, and pyramids. 

    • Color - Color is light reflected off of objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue (the name of the color, like red, green, blue..), value (how light or dark it is) and intensity (how bright or dull it is).

    • Shape -  A shape is a closed line. Shapes are flat, 2-Dimensional shapes expressing only height and width). Shapes can be geometric (mathematical), like squares and circles; or organic (nature), like free-form or natural shapes.

    • Space -  Space is the area between and around objects. The space around objects (background) is called negative space. The object in the work (subject) is called positive space. Space can also refer to the feeling or illusion of depth (like a road narrowing into the distance of a drawing).

    • Line - One point moving around in space. Lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal; straight, zig-zagged or curved; thick or thin.

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!



Sketch 8: Form/Shading Techniques

TUTORIAL - How to Shade Basic Forms - Pencil Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMr6eimcolc 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw simple forms.

  • Only shading for this sketch. Don’t be tempted to smudge. 

  • FILL THE PAGE - No tiny drawings!

  • Color is not required.

Sketch 9: Surrealism

SURREALISM is a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream.

Have you SEEN my eye?

DO NOT copy the scene inside the eye from the tutorial, just the eye and its surroundings:


  • Draw ONE eye (using the provided tutorial).

  • Draw a scene from your favorite book, movie or tv show inside the eye. 

  • Use colored pencils to add color to the scene inside the eye.

  • Remember to use the elements of art: value and texture.

  • Fill the area around the eye (as demonstrated) using a black Sharpie and crayons.

  • FILL THE PAGE (as demonstrated).

Sketch 10: Contrast/Lines/Emphasis 

EMPHASIS is used to attract a viewer's attention to the focal point, or main subject, of an artwork.

TUTORIAL - Emphasis, Contrast and Space Zentangle:


  • Watch the tutorial AS AN EXAMPLE of how to complete this sketch.

  • Pick an object to emphasis. This object will be the only part of your sketch in color. Use color medium of your choice (colored pencils, markers, crayons, paint)

  • Fill the background (negative space) around the object (positive space) with patterns. Google “Zentangle” patterns for ideas.

  • Use a sharpie to trace over all pencil lines.

Sketch 11: Pop Art

The theme for this sketchbook assignment was Pop Art. Pop Art is a movement that started in the 1950s that focused on the transition of simple, everyday objects as the subject fine art. Pop Art was celebrated as “art for everyone.” Andy Warhol is credited for starting the Pop Art Movement. His artwork is one that uses food/candy wrappers as its subject. 

TUTORIAL - Andy Warhol Soup Cans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTmgtv8K570 

  • Follow along with the tutorial. Stop at (5:45) and create your own soup!


  • Make it yours! Use unusual colors! Change the type of soup!

  • Andy Warhol’s soup can backgrounds are typically solid. Find a totally opposite color from your can for the background.

  • Fill the ENTIRE page - No tiny food cans!

Sketch 12: Easter

  • For this sketchbook assignment all classes will be doing a religious sketch for possible acceptance in the Easter bulletin for church.

  • You will be drawing YOUR OWN ORIGINAL religious sketch.

  • You are welcome to look at the Easter cards for inspiration or watch a tutorial on YouTube.

  • Color will not print, but color would give your work different tones of gray (which is cool too).

  • FILL THE PAGE! No tiny drawings!


Sketch 13: Architecture

TUTORIAL - How to Draw The St. Louis Arch:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8r0iNSRENA 

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPMErJ6nV_8 

  • Follow along with the tutorials to learn how to draw and color Saint Louis Arch. 

  • The artist uses watercolor, but that will seep through your paper and ruin paper below. Instead of using watercolor, use colored pencils or crayons. 

  • Drawing should be fully colored. 

  • Fill the ENTIRE page

Sketch 14: Vehicle

TUTORIAL - How To Draw A Lamborghini Huracan (Front View): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqxesak1ESI 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw a Lamborghini Huracan.

  • Customize the car with your own color, designs and details!

  • FILL THE PAGE- Include a background. Are you being chased by the police? Are you driving down a California street with palm trees?

  • Your sketch should be fully colored.

Sketch 15: Text in Art 

Word Art  

  1. LIGHTLY draw a simple contour drawing of an object of your choice. FILL THE PAGE!

  2. Fill the object with a word or words that relate to the object. 

  3. Add color to some of the letters or the negative space in the background.

  4. ERASE the outline of your drawing.

Sketch 16: Drawing Practice

TUTORIAL - How To Draw A Realistic Tiger Head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwwZ3sAn3ZQ 

  • Follow along with the tutorial to learn how to draw a realistic looking tiger.

  • FILL THE PAGE! - Do something in the background! Brick wall? Patterns maybe?

  • Your sketch should be fully colored.

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