Sketchbook Expectations

As an artist in middle school, you will be required to complete a sketchbook assignment every other week. Students have one week to complete the sketchbook assignment. The following week, sketches are turned in, graded and teacher comments will be given. The purpose of a sketchbook is to encourage you to look harder at things, use your imagination, and explore ideas and techniques that interest, challenge, and stimulate you. In addition to the required sketchbook assignment, you are encouraged to fill this space with your own work and drawings of choice (as long as they are appropriate for school). Use your sketchbook as a place to let out your ideas and thoughts through your art.


  • You are required to have a sketchbook for this class. 

  • Your sketchbook must NOT be smaller than 8x10 in. 

  • If you cannot get a sketchbook, we can make one for you in class.

  • Sketches are due EVERY OTHER WEEK. If a sketch is not turned in on the due date, you can still receive credit if turned into Miss Alyssa (or her mailbox) the following day. After that, work is not accepted. 

    •  If you are absent during class time, the sketch is due when you return to school.

  • Sketches will fill the ENTIRE page unless stated otherwise in the directions.

  • Sketches should be in COLOR unless stated otherwise or approved by Miss Alyssa.

  • ABSOLUTELY NO TRACING! If tracing occurs, you will receive a zero. 

  • Each sketch assignment is worth a total of 20 points.



Fear not! Sketching takes practice! Below is a link to a presentation that will help you learn how to draw and use different drawing materials:

Sketching Tips & Tricks

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