Thursday, September 29, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #3: 8th Grade

 For this assignment, 8th graders were also design skateboards. However, the focus was on creating 2 skateboards, each with a different color scheme. One of my students knocked it right out of the park with her unique skateboard design. Way to go, Audrey!

Audrey B. Skateboard Color Scheme Design, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #3: 7th Grade

For this assignment, 7th Graders were to design a shoe. All of the sketches submitted had me saying "WOW". Narrowing it down to the best 2 was impossible, so this time, I have 3 students' artworks for the spotlight! Congratulations, Francie, Bradyn and Annie! 

Francie T. Shoe Design, 2022

Bradyn S. Shoe Design, 2022

Annie S. Shoe Design, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #3: 6th Grade

For this assignment, 6th Graders were to design a top and a bottom of a skateboard. Here are two students' sketches that I thought deserved a spotlight moment! How creative are these?! Congratulations, Zeke and Kora!  

Zeke V. Skateboard Design, 2022

Kora L. Skateboard Design, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #3: 5th Grade

For this assignment, 5th Graders were to use their imagination in designing a soda can. Although all of the sketches turned in blew my mind, I believe two students' artworks deserve to be in the spotlight. Congratulations, Kambrie and Austyn!

Kambrie S. Soda Can Design, 2022

Austyn C. Soda Can Design, 2022

Saturday, September 17, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #2: 7th Grade

For this sketch, 7th Graders practiced using simple shapes to create a drawing. I am WOWED by the results! I selected two students' artworks that deserve a moment in the spotlight for their sketches. Congratulations, Rowan and Annie!

Rowan B. Fly, 2022

Annie S. Bird, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #2: 8th Grade

“Impressed” is an understatement. My 8th Graders absolutely nailed this week’s sketches! The task was to use simple shapes to create a drawing. I'm speechless! Congratulations, Henry and Audrey for being featured as this week's spotlight!

Henry F. Shapes to Arms, 2022

Audrey B. Shapes to Feet, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #2: 6th Grade

Sketch #2 COMPLETE! All the 6th Graders did a fantastic job blending colored pencils to create a vibrant sunset. Below are two students' artworks that deserve time in the spotlight for their work. Congratulations, Kora and Miranda! I wouldn't mind a little company from these cute aliens and that is one colorful bug I wouldn't run from!

Kora L. Blending and Shading Sunset Silhouette, 2022

Miranda M. Blending and Shading Sunset Silhouette, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #2: 5th Grade

All the 5th Graders did an amazing job with their value shading flowers. Although, all works looked GREAT I chose two students' artworks that stood out and deserve the spotlight for their work. Congratulations, Victoria and Isabella!

Victoria W. Value Shading Flowers, 2022

Isabella L. Value Shading Flower, 2022

Friday, September 2, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #1: 5th Grade

5th Graders first sketch assignment COMPLETE! All the 5th Graders knocked it out of the park with there bubble name sketch. I chose two students' artworks that deserve to be in the spotlight for their awesome sketches. Congratulations, Victoria and Cami!

Victoria W. Bubble Name, 2022

Cami L. Bubble Name, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #1: 6th Grade

While each 6th Grader was super creative when converting their cursive name into a creature, I selected two students' artworks that deserve a spotlight moment for their sketches. Congratulations, Kora and Zeke! I wouldn't mind a little company from these cute aliens and that is one colorful bug I wouldn't run from!

Kora L. Cursive Name Alien, 2022

Zeke V. Cursive Name Bug, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #1: 7th Grade

The 7th Graders did not disappoint with their top-notch graffiti names. I picked out two students' artworks that deserve a moment in the spotlight for their sketches. Congratulations, Annie and Francie! Parents, avoid the spray paint section of Menards.

Annie S. Graffiti Name, 2022
Francie T. Graffiti Name, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #1: 8th Grade

Although all the 8th Graders did an awesome job creating some pretty epic graffiti sketches of their name, I pulled two students' artworks that deserve a spotlight for their drawings. Congratulations, Audrey and Jack! This work looks brick wall/train car worthy! Don't get any ideas you two....

Audrey B. Graffiti Name, 2022

Jack L. Graffiti Name, 2022