Sunday, November 27, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #7: 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th Grade

For this sketchbook assignment, the 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade students were asked to create a religious sketch for possible acceptance in the Christmas bulletin for the church bulletin. 7th & 8th grade students had a little harder task of incorporating at least 5 of the 7 elements of art in their drawing. 

Note: Sketches for the church bulletin will be selected by the priest. The drawings below may or may not be featured in the bulletin, but awesome work must be shown off!

Ava R. Christmas Sketch, 8th Grade, 2022

Ben O. Christmas Sketch, 5th Grade, 2022

Zeke V. Christmas Sketch, 6th Grade, 2022

Rowan B. Christmas Sketch, 7th Grade, 2022

Hannah T. Christmas Sketch, 5th Grade, 2022

Ava B. Christmas Sketch, 5th Grade, 2022

Francie T. Christmas Sketch, 7th Grade, 2022

Cadyn L. Christmas Sketch, 5th Grade, 2022

Victoria W. Christmas Sketch, 5th Grade, 2022

Kora L. Christmas Sketch, 6th Grade, 2022

Annie S. Christmas Sketch, 7th Grade, 2022

Thursday, November 10, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6: 5th Grade

For this sketchbook assignment, the 5th grade students were to draw fruits and veggies with texture. The texture didn't have to be characteristic. In fact, experimentation was encouraged! I want to showcase 3 sketches for 3 different reasons. In the first drawing, the artist went out of her comfort zone to come up with her own original subjects and gave them very realistic textures.  The second drawing shows a variety of mediums (Watercolor, Colored Pencil and Sharpie) used to create the image as well as experimentation with some uncharacteristic textures for the subjects. The final drawing shows great texture as well as overlapping of fruits giving us the feeling of space. Congratulations, Ava, Victoria and Austyn!

Ava B. Texture Fruits and Veggies, 2022

Victoria W. Texture Fruits and Veggies, 2022

Austyn C. Texture Fruits, 2022

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6: 6th Grade

For this assignment, 6th graders were to follow along with a YouTube tutorial in learning how to draw a realistic chipmunk using the art element texture. Here is a couple of the students work! Congratulations, Kora and Zeke!

Kora L. Texture Chipmunk, 2022

Zeke V. Texture Chipmunk, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6 7th Grade

For this assignment, 7th graders were to trace their hand and add textures to each finger. Holy moly, did I get some realistic textures submitted to me! Narrowing it down to two was hard to do. Outstanding drawings, Valerie and Rowan! Knocked it right out of the park!

Valerie V. Texture Hand, 2022

Rowan B. Texture Hand, 2022

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6 8th Grade

For this assignment, 8th graders were to fill a shape of their choice with #2 pencils. Check out this drawing by Henry! He went over and beyond by including the element of value when adding color. The variety of twisted and curved pencils creates movement and interest in the work. Top notch artwork, Henry!

Henry F. #2 Pencil of  #2 Pencils, 2022