Tuesday, October 24, 2023

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #9: 8th Grade

For this sketchbook assignment, the 8th graders were introduced the surrealism. Surrealism is a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. Students created a key hole and drew a scene from their favorite book, movie, tv show within the keyhole. Check these out!

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #9: 7th Grade

For this sketchbook assignment, the 7th graders were introduced the surrealism. Surrealism is a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. Students created an eye and within that eye, they drew a scene of something that interests them such as a hobby or sport. Look at these eyes!! đź‘€

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #16: 6th Grade

For this sketchbook assignment, 6th graders were "Falling into Foreshortening". Foreshortening refers to the illusion that an object or distance is shorter than it actually is because it is angled toward the viewer. Students drew themselves using the visual effect of foreshortening. Check these out!

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #16: 5th Grade

The 5th grade group practiced drawing from an alien's point of view from space! This sketch also had students practicing drawing using one-point perspective to create the illusion of space. The results were "out of this world!" Check out these works!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6: 8th Grade

Any object that is seen or used on a regular basis begins to go unnoticed.  What we stop seeing is the form, color, or the object's visual properties.  For years students have been using No. 2 pencils in school on a daily basis. They are indeed an ordinary, everyday object. 

8th graders were challenged develop a 2-D image using a pencil shapes and colors. These students took time to study a pencil and to transform it and learn to see it in a new way. Check out these results!


SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6: 7th Grade

For this sketch assignment, 7th grade had the goal of creating textures as well as transformation. Students drew hands and gave them realistic looking textures. Here are a couple of some awesome examples:

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #2: 6th Grade

The 6th graders were challenged to draw an image using a range of values and shading. Some students got creative using a sectioned value scale to create their images while others achieved value using a smooth gradient scale and shading. 

SPOTLIGHT - Sketch #6: 5th Grade

The 5th grade group, practiced drawing fruits with textures! Texture is the visual 'feeling' the piece gives off. The textures could be unnatural (such as a hairy orange) which made for the coolest results! Here's a couple really neat texture fruit drawings!